
This is where I will be posting all of the information needed for you in the class. As we go through the year, I will post helpful websites, notes, homework problems, and more to help further your learning. Each post will have the date and unit that corresponds to the post. Happy learning!

April 20th, 2017

Go to this website to get further instruction for the lesson.


April 25th, 2017

Complete these homework problems. They will be due in class on the 28th.


Watch this video before class on May 1st, 2017.


May 5th, 2017

In your book, you are to read pages 120-129, and then complete the problems #1-20 on page 130. These problems will be due in class on May 8th. You have the weekend to complete these problems, therefore there should be no reason not to have them complete. They will be checked at the beginning of class, and then we will have a quiz. If you need extra practice, go to the link below.
