Miss Willoughby's Class

Welcome 8th Grade!

Welcome to 8th grade algebra! This year in class we will be learning so many new things. While you may all be stressing over the new content, don't worry, we're all in this together! I hope that this year will be filled with excitement and education. I will strive to make sure that each and everyone of you is learning and excelling in your work. For this class you will be expected to be prepared everyday. Make sure you bring your notes, pencil, paper, a calculator, and your book to class EVERY day. As long as every one has a positive attitude and is ready to learn this year should be a breeze! I look forward to seeing all of you in class.

Image result for mathImage result for math

"Mathematics may not teach us how to add love or how to minus hate. But it gives us every reason to hope that “every problem has a solution”

About Me

I am 19 years old and I am a high school graduate from Casey County High School 2016. I am currently majoring in secondary mathematics education at Eastern Kentucky University. My dream job would be teaching math back at my former high school. I hope to excel in all of my teachings, and hope to make sure that all of my students are learning. I feel like teaching through technology is a must in today's world and I will be implementing it into as many activities and lessons as I see fit.

Ways to Contact Me

If you ever need to get in touch with me while not in school, here are a couple ways:

Email: shelby_willoughby10@mymail.eku.edu

Phone: 606-303-3350 Call or text

Please only contact me over school related issues, between the hours of 8 am and 12 am.


Remember to always check the notes section of our classroom webpage for updates! 

Have Fun!
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